Things here in the shop are a bit, how shall I say, all out?? It is always like this this time of year and every year I try and shift that somewhat. It is starting earlier this year. Does that mean it will taper sooner? This is a good problem, as I have lots of work. Which ought to translate into lots of sales (yes) but profits? I will know more when it is over.
I am in the process of regrouping and planning now for next year and drafting an over all 3 year plan. I had a 5 year plan I wrote in 2002 which would put me at a million dollars a year right about now. That didn't happen. Why? What is it about business, about art, about making pottery for a living that makes real profits so elusive? Real profits which afford steady help. Real profits which allow the development of civic giving. Maybe it is time. Patience. Persistence. All that. I have a feeling yes, that is part of it, but I think there may be more to it than that. What do you think?
technorati tags: davistudio, business, art