Amanda Congdon does this fab vlog, (video blog) daily, called Rocket Boom. She has over 100,000 viewers a day. The new news? Pretty cool for her to put my cup on there. Thanks, Amanda! (If you link to the picture to see it, gave it a few minutes to load).
technorati tags: rocketboom, amandacongdon, davistudio, coffeecup
she is so funny! i found her by happen chance last week and she cracked us up! good going for getting onto her vlog! will check it out now... and i love corey and her blog too.
Oh my what a great link you have offered us, and YOUR CUP!! It sat by her side until the end and then she toasted you by lifting it up! Wonderful!! I left a comment on her vblog about your cup!
p.s. your tree in bloom looks lovely too!
yea for banners!yea for spring!
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